S. Sarah
M. My Mother
S. What is one of your favorite Bible figures ?
M. Hannah
S. Why her ?
M. Because she had a God given desire to have children and was a mother who persevered in prayer , learned to trust and rest in God and His plans , and sought to raise godly seed .
S. What is one of your favorite Bible verses ?
M. Isaiah 30 : 15
" For thus saith the Lord God , the Holy One of Israel;In returning and rest shall ye be saved ; In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength ..."
S. Why is it your favorite verse ?
M. It reminds you that your strength comes from quietly , confidently , trusting in the Lord .
S, What is your favorite book of the Bible ?
M. Proverbs .
S. Why ?
M. It is filled with knowledge for living everyday successfully in God's eyes .
S. During your quiet time with the Lord , what did you learn that was the most important to you this week ?
M. I was reminded again how important it is to sing and make melody in our hearts to the Lord . It can chase away the doldrums and discouragement from the accuser of the brethren .
S. Thanks Mom ! But we're not finished .Now for some lighthearted , and random questions !
S. What's you favorite
Color ,
Type of food ,
and season ?
M. Blue , Hollyhocks , Chocolate brownies with ice cream , Italian , and fall !
S. Thanks again mom ! Love you !
M. Your welcome , and thanks for letting me be on your blog ! LOL !
From this interview , I learned some things that really encouraged me ! Like singing and making noise to Lord can lift you up ! Interview your mom , and you will for sure learn something that you've never known before . And you may be lifted up by some of the things your mom gives as an answer . ( * And surprised ! LOL !) For you, bloggers ... after you interview your mom , post it ! I would love to see some other wise answers from other wise women and see some of your questions ! Have a great weekend !
~ In Christ ,
P.s. I'm trying to make it to fifteen followers ! Right now I have ten. ( Not including myself ! ) Once I get to fifteen followers , I'll have a special post ! So help me get to fifteen ! Love Ya'll !