S. Sarah
M. My Mother
S. What is one of your favorite Bible figures ?
M. Hannah
S. Why her ?
M. Because she had a God given desire to have children and was a mother who persevered in prayer , learned to trust and rest in God and His plans , and sought to raise godly seed .
S. What is one of your favorite Bible verses ?
M. Isaiah 30 : 15
" For thus saith the Lord God , the Holy One of Israel;In returning and rest shall ye be saved ; In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength ..."
S. Why is it your favorite verse ?
M. It reminds you that your strength comes from quietly , confidently , trusting in the Lord .
S, What is your favorite book of the Bible ?
M. Proverbs .
S. Why ?
M. It is filled with knowledge for living everyday successfully in God's eyes .
S. During your quiet time with the Lord , what did you learn that was the most important to you this week ?
M. I was reminded again how important it is to sing and make melody in our hearts to the Lord . It can chase away the doldrums and discouragement from the accuser of the brethren .
S. Thanks Mom ! But we're not finished .Now for some lighthearted , and random questions !
S. What's you favorite
Color ,
Type of food ,
and season ?
M. Blue , Hollyhocks , Chocolate brownies with ice cream , Italian , and fall !
S. Thanks again mom ! Love you !
M. Your welcome , and thanks for letting me be on your blog ! LOL !
From this interview , I learned some things that really encouraged me ! Like singing and making noise to Lord can lift you up ! Interview your mom , and you will for sure learn something that you've never known before . And you may be lifted up by some of the things your mom gives as an answer . ( * And surprised ! LOL !) For you, bloggers ... after you interview your mom , post it ! I would love to see some other wise answers from other wise women and see some of your questions ! Have a great weekend !
~ In Christ ,
P.s. I'm trying to make it to fifteen followers ! Right now I have ten. ( Not including myself ! ) Once I get to fifteen followers , I'll have a special post ! So help me get to fifteen ! Love Ya'll !
Another wise mother on this planet. Truly, how many are there? Not many as there are unwise. Too bad.
Loved the post..your mom had really good answers.
By the way, I'd follow your blog if I could.. :) Maybe I'll use your idea and use some one else's thing, and share so I can follow your blog, and Flop's blog, Bailey's, Anna's, Kara's....LOL! ;)
luv u!
But I was going to interview her first...I shall deal with you later, darlin'.
Seriously, though, I loved this post. My mother's my best friend and I learn so much from her. Hurray for godly mothers! We need them so much.
A very good idea to interview your mom. Very interesting too.
Once I interviewed my younger brother and of course most of the answers were sarcastic;it's hillarious to read it again.
I also had the privilege of getting an interview with Ben Barnes, Skandar Keynes, and William Mosely... if you've watched the Narnia movies you know who they are. Oh, and I should prob'ly tell you that my sister played the part of Barnes, Keynes,and Mosely. :) It was so fun having a debate with them especially since Keynes claims to be an Atheist.
So... basically I like interviewing people I'll never meet.
That's a good idea to interview your mom. I might try it...... Sorry, I would follow your blog but I already do. Maybe I can think of people for you! Anyway, love you!
Thanks ya'll for commenting !
I would write more , But haven't much to say ! Love You All ! Sarah
Nice interview!
I really like your blog skin! It is adorable. Love the colors, the birdies and trees...
miss m's mimi
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