Wednesday, September 28

His Love...

 With school, volleyball, dance & biology classes, (along with numerous other things ) life has been extremely busy, which involves neglecting this little blog to make time for something else... sorry for the period of time where no posts were written. Thank you for understanding ! Much love, the authoress.

  With excitement and joy I welcome Autumn !

 To have fires in the fireplace once more,warm fuzzy socks and fleece blankets, the leaves on the trees in their brilliant colors, fall fashions and color combinations, bitter cold yet sunshiny days,etc...all of it makes me happy through and through.

 As each new season comes, I sadly say goodbye to the past season and welcome the new season with arms outstretched. And, of course, I claim that it's my favorite season as I do with the rest.

 I sigh with contentment, and thank the Lord for giving each new season with its beauty beyond explaining. To think that He loves, so much, that He created all these things. I'm so grateful and thankful .

 With the middle of Sept. till the start of fall, it brought struggles to me, also. I fought with myself over issues, worried over unnecessary things...but mostly, I was having problems with my walk with  Christ. I tried reading in God's word, but with no avail. I prayed to God, but He seemed silent. There is more, but I'm sure you understand what I'm saying.

 I struggled for a time and finally emailed a very dear friend of what was going on. She replied back saying that she, too, was going through a similar struggle. It comforted me greatly to know that I was not alone. We started writing each other, encouraging, trying to up-lift one was one of the answers to my prayers. The emails sent and received were such a blessing, and had an impact on my walk with Christ. I know that I would have broken down if I hadn't had such a wonderful friend who encouraged me and uplifted me in a time where I needed it Thank you to my anonymous friend. You mean so much to me.

 During our conversations through email, I started finding answers and felt like I was getting somewhere with God. And the thing that tied the knot, was when I talked to my mother. She helped me in my faith in Christ, and now I'm on the right path once again.

The verse that impacted me the most during my time of struggle, I decided to share with all of you. It is...

Psalms 139:17-18

How precious are also thy thoughts unto me, O God ! how great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand...

 When I read this verse, I felt so loved. At first it was hard to comprehend, but then it all fit together. God thinks about me more than all the grains of sand that cover the earth. Do I think about Christ that much ?  I kept on thinking about it...there are millions of people on the earth, yet God thinks about me more than all the sand on the earth, still.

 His love is so amazing...It endures forever. He never leaves us or forsakes us, and in His time, He'll answer our prayers. Never forget His love for His arms are securely wrapped around you(me).

In Christ,

1 comment:

Bethany d said...

I'm glad things got sorted! ((what beautiful verse, I need to go jot that down...))

I think the best part about overcoming trials is looking back and seeing God's hand and power through it all. He truly is faithful, even we we aren't!

Love you!
